Sunday, March 27, 2011

J. Mike week 4--- results...

I am begining to sense a pattern.  I do really well for the first 3 weeks of a work out and then the forth....not sure if i get bored, if my body just wants more food, or what...but week 4 is always a struggle. 

This week I was still "trying" to do this bo carb thing.  Let's put it this body doesn't do well with no carbs.  I need variety.  Eating meat, cheese and lettuce everyday is not enough for me.  That was why my earlier diet worked so well for me.  I had a variety of things i could eat.  They were all super easy to make and plan for the week.  So, I made a decision over the weekend that I was stopping the no carb thing and going back to my "Flat Belly Diet".  I have a wedding at the end of April, so I do have a pretty aggressive goal that i want to meet!!!! (I also REALLY WANT to break the 140 mark by my 20 days).

So not only did I have pretty poor eating habits this week, I also did very poorly on my work out.  I only worked out 2 times.  As easy as it was to do the Jillian Michael's work outs at was equally to come home and sit on the couch.  Especially now that Scott is home every night.  I should have done the at home workouts when he was still in school.  I only worked out twice...TWICE.

So my results show that.  I was down to 142 on Tuesday and today I was back up to 145.2  :(

Week 1:
Weight: 147.6 lbs
BMI- 25.2
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 30.5 inches
Chst: 36.5 inches
Week 4:
Weight: 145.2 lbs
Hips: 38
Waist: 31.5 :(
Chest: 37

Now...I did measure myself a little bit later today than usual (not immediatly after I woke up), so I am not too worried about my measurements.  I actually am having a really hard time keeping my "fat pants" on (the ones I bought when I gained those extra 10 lbs:))

So Jillian is over.  I am on to my next adventure.  ROWING!  i bought this groupon a couple of months ago and it expires before the boot camp one I bought (there are also several more classes available.

I went to my first rowing class today.  Not too shabby, but my hands are already starting to feel very calloused.  I also had a pretty sharp pain in my shoulder about 1/2 way through the class.  But I really liked it. 
They have a few other classes as well (boxing and cross training) so I hope to try out some of the other classes and keep you informed.

Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jillian Michaels- Week 3 Weigh in

So, first of all, I apologize for not weighing in last week.  I had some...well... let's just say I wasn't quite myself last weekend.
I have now been doing Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" workout for three weeks.  There are good things and bad things about doing the same workout day in/day out.
The bad: it gets a little monotonous.
The good: I can really see how I am getting better, able to do more moves, increase my weights, etc.
When I first started my workouts in January, I couldn't do more than 1 or 2 pushups without having to go to my knees.  Now I can do all the pushups in Jillian's workout (there are two sets of 14 in case you were wondering).  I am ALMOST able to complete the "vicious plank circuit" without going into downward dog.  It feels really good!

Starting Thursday, I decided I was going to do a "low carb diet" for two weeks.  My friend Angelisa did it 2 weeks and lost 5 lbs...just by giving up carbs.  It is proving to be much harder (and more expensive) than I ever knew it would be.  I went to the store yesterday and bought a bunch of meat....that's pretty much it...just meat.  For breakfast Thursday and Friday I had bacon and eggs.  So I am getting rid of my carbs and adding a whole bunch of cholesterol and fat.  Not sure how it is supposed to work, but I guess I will see. 

I know last time I talked to you about how I was a little "sad" that the weight is starting to come off more slowly...but I was thinking about it this week.  I have lost a significant amount of weight since January 1st.  I mean, its only the middle of March and am I past halfway to my goal.  Even if I can lost another 5 lbs by the end of April, I will be in good shape for the wedding I am going to.  Plus it's going to start to get nice outside which will only mean more random "unplanned" calorie burning (walks, bikerides, etc).  So I am feeling confident that I will either meet or SURPASS my goal by the end of April!  (well, technically the beginning goal was 20 lbs- as in then blog title...but I REALLY want to get down to 130 lbs.  I haven't been below 140 since pretty much I moved to Chicago, so I know it's going to take a little longer. 

Anyways, I weighed in today and here are the results:
Weight: 144.0
BMI: 24.6
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 31 inches
Chest: 37 inches

Thanks for checking in.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 1 of Jillian Michaels kicking my bootie

I had a long conversation with a co-worker about my weight loss struggles.  Ive been a bit irritated that I lost so much weight my first month, and still just keep hovering around 149.  He told me about this is very normal.  I forget what he called it, but said the body will do a good job losing weight and then it hits a plateau, and it takes a good deal of self restraint to really get it kicked back to losing again.  You REALLY have to watch your diet, ensure you are buringing more calories than you take in, etc.
After I had that conversation with him on Wednesday I got did much better at watching the diet. 

I had great workouts this week.  I started Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones.  Its about a  50 minute work out when you include the warm up/cool down.  For those of you who do not know, Jillian Michaels is one of the trainers on "The biggest loser".  I used to watch the biggest loser while eating a bowl of icecream.  Now, I watch it while doing squats.  What a lifestyle change. Anyways, in this workout there are 7 circuts of 5 moves (most of them with weights) and they each repeat twice.  I lost my 2 lbs weights so I used my 3 lbs weights.  (Now of course Scott "FOUND" my 2 lbs weights....but now that Ive been doing the workout with the 3, Im going to stick with that.

It's been great to come home right after work and work out.  I can find a pretty good parking spot, and by 8pm I've already had my workout in, ate dinner AND showered.  When I was working out after work at the Dailey Method or Bikram, I was getting HOME at 8pm.  So this week I havent felt as warn down:)

And the results are in....and they are goo!

Weight: 145.6 lbs- I am halfway to my goal of 130!!!!!
BMI: 24.8
Hips 38 inches
Waist: 31 inches
Chest: 37 inches

Have a good weekend all!  Im headed to Pekin to wish my sister the Happiest 21st Birthday!