Sunday, June 29, 2014

So... I over-estimated this thing

Hi guys!  I did a really great job working out this week, I even did a really great job EATING this week (that tends to be my Achilles heel), but I am still not seeing the numbers I am looking for on the scale.  I am still hovering around the 162 mark.  It's so frustrating, but I have decided to take all of your comments to heart and find a different way to track my success.

Luckily, I just got my stitchfix in the mail (don't know what stitchfix it.  It's like your own personal shopper over the internet.  You tell them what you like, your style, your wardrobe needs, etc and they sent you stuff on a pre-determined basis.)  Anyways, I got this super cute black and white striped dress with a side zipper. Ugh, side zippers.  A great way to zip up your boob, in my opinion.  But the dress is sooo cute and it fit (barely), but I figure I need a tightish dress so that I can see how it fits again at the end of this workout.

So, I am changing some of my goals.  I think this will make me feel more successful and less likely to quit when I am feeling like nothing is working.

Goals for this week:
1.  Drink at least 80 oz of water/day. I really think this might be my downfall.  I am not doing great on drinking water and with the heat we are starting to experience, I think I am starting to retain water... not good for anyone.
2.  Diet-  we are doing this great things the last few weeks where we are grilling up a bunch of stuff on Sunday that we can use throughout the week.  Tonight we made turkey and chicken burgers.  I can then eat these as leftovers during the week.  I need to be good in eating them.  Perhaps open faced, making sure I am paying attention to any sides, etc.  Next weekend is going to be tough.  4th of July is Friday and we are having some folks over on Saturday for some grilling/party.  So I just need to pay attention
3.  Same goes for the drinking. No drinks until Friday.
4.  Work out at least 5 days this week (6 is proving to be tough, 5 is obtainable).

And thats it. I will check in and see if I feel more "Accomplished" once I have "SMART"er goals:)

Happy 4th everyone!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Shame Shame

I didn't check in on Sunday.  In my defense, we had a really busy weekend full of patio building.  With it being the hubs first fathers day, this is what he wanted to do.  I got all my workouts in (even working out ON TOP OF digging out grass, moving heavy patio bricks, walking to the store and back to get everyone sandwiches).  I was feeling GREAT!

I confided in a friend that I felt the workouts from BBM were a little "lack-luster", and she agreed, saying that you really have to push yourself.  Its ok to "beat the exercise instructor" because you are trying to do the most reps you can do.

I took her advice to heart, got myself some new 10# weights, started writing down my results, giving myself goals, competing with myself daily.  I was finally sweating.  I noticed I could get 6 burpies in by the time the instructor got 2 in (seriously, you dont' have to spend 15 seconds telling us how to do a burpie three weeks in... we have done them many times already by now).  I was feeling AWESOME.

So Sunday, before I went out and helped in patio land, I jumped on the scale....

162.2.  Only down .4 oz... talk about defeating.  I hate the scale.  I hate my fear of it.  I hate how it can make me doubt everything I am doing and if anything really works.  I hate how it can make me lose my mojo in a brief 4 seconds.  So I didn't update the blog.  I wanted to spend time with my lovely family, my awesome husband, his friends, grill out, enjoy the patio and go to bed early.

So, consider this my Sunday update.  I will be back this Sunday, but fair warning... this week isn't shaping up to be a very good week either.  I did get my workout in on Tuesday (despite working a 14+ hour day, but did not get one in Wednesday (another 14+ hour day) or Thursday (I spent cuddling with my little girl who I hadn't seen in two days).  My eating has sucked (I have been be-bopping between a class and a customer appreciation conference all week and didn't get to plan my meals (let alone my alcohol intake).  Today my goal is to do both the cardio and weight workout, but I succumbed to ordering Domino's for lunch.
At least I will be prepared this week to take a step back.  Ugh... this is killing me.

Anyways, I wanted to do a quick check in.  Ill check back in a few more days.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 2- staying strong

I worked out 6 days this week!  I did it (though admittedly, I only did the bikini body mommy challenge 5 days.. I had Bacon to run to for my 6th/cardio day.

That's right!  I said Bacon!  You see, there was this marvelous idea that people of all shapes and sizes would get off their butts on a Saturday morning and run for bacon... They were right.  I am not sure what wave of starters we were in, but it had to have been at least the third or forth, and when I finished they were sending out another wave.

I felt GREAT running yesterday.  5xs better than the week before.  I dressed appropriately (it was another beautiful day in Chicago), I drank about 1 liter of water pre-race, got lots of good sleep the night before (thank you human alarm clock), and all in all just felt good.  Another new mom friend ran the race with me and it was great to have someone keeping me company!  Oh--- you want to know more about the bacon.  First of all, the bibs smelled like bacon.  Then at mile 1 there was an aid station with water and... bacon bits... same at mile 2.5ish. 

As I said, I felt great running.  I looked down at my watch at the 2.5ish mile aid station and  my timer said "21 minutes".  It was at that point I knew something wasn't right.  There is no way I was doing anything less than a 10 minute mile.  I kept trucking along but wished I was with Jaime still so I could ask her how long her nike+ app had us tracking.  I crossed the finish line at 32:30... 4 minutes faster than last week.

Low and behold, the course was short.  It was only about 2.9 miles (not 3.2, which is a legit 5K), but I still paced pretty well (just around an 11 minute mile, and last week my splits were 11:45)

I am pretty happy overall.  So we celebrated with some bacon... and then some ribs, as I met some new mom friends and our baby daddies and babies at North Center Rib Fest.  We sat in the kid area, we were home by 4pm... this is my new life:)

Anyways, I did good with the workouts this week.  I am still not finding them super challenging.  As a matter of fact, one day during the cardio one minute on- one minute off, I found myself doing 1.5 minutes on, 30 seconds off on some of the exercises.  I will stick with it and give it a few more weeks, but I am already starting to question if I will see the 25 lbs I want off by the end of this 12 weeks. I am currently tracking at about 1.5 lbs a week.  I hinted today to the hubs that I might try and see if 2 nights a week after I put the kid to bed I can make it back out to Bikram (see first month of this initial blog to understand how much I LOVED Bikram.)

Anyways, here's the details for this week:

Weight: 162.4
Chest: 34 3/4
WAist: 33 3/4
Tummy: 37
hips: 40 1/4

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 1 recap

Well, I finished week one of this 90 day Bikini Body Mommy Challenge.

She does make it easy.  They are routines on youtube and you just look for the correct day and do it.

There are basically two work outs, an strength training workout and a cardio training.  I did find them a tad.... easy, this week but she keeps claiming they will get harder.  They alternate every day for the week.  Here is a spoiler... I think the lady who is our "leader" is a cheater.  I think she records the strength training and the cardio training and then just replays them on the correct days.  Why do I think this, well, because she says the exact same thing in every video and it wears the same clothes.... CAUGHT!

While I started this I was finishing up a boot camp series at work (We had 6 weeks of 2 days a week work outs).  There were a few that I was unable to make due to meetings that came up, but I tried to get most of them in.  This week was our last week, so on Tuesday and Wednesday I did two  a days, where I did BOTH my work boot camp work out and the bikini body mommy workout.

We did deadlifts on Wednesday in my work class, and WHOH my legs still hurt!

Confession time:
I didnt do super well this week.  I did my workouts Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (2 workouts), and Wednesday (2 workouts), but Thursday I traveled to Madison, WI for work and that 14 hour day didn't leave much time for a workout.  Friday was my bosses last day, so drinks were in order.  Saturday was supposed to be my rest day but I did a 5K with some work people.

So, time for the weigh in:
Weight: 163.2 lbs
Chest: 35.5 inches
Waist: 34.5 inches
Hips: 38 inches
L arm: 12.5 inches
R arm: 12.5 inches