Sunday, March 27, 2011

J. Mike week 4--- results...

I am begining to sense a pattern.  I do really well for the first 3 weeks of a work out and then the forth....not sure if i get bored, if my body just wants more food, or what...but week 4 is always a struggle. 

This week I was still "trying" to do this bo carb thing.  Let's put it this body doesn't do well with no carbs.  I need variety.  Eating meat, cheese and lettuce everyday is not enough for me.  That was why my earlier diet worked so well for me.  I had a variety of things i could eat.  They were all super easy to make and plan for the week.  So, I made a decision over the weekend that I was stopping the no carb thing and going back to my "Flat Belly Diet".  I have a wedding at the end of April, so I do have a pretty aggressive goal that i want to meet!!!! (I also REALLY WANT to break the 140 mark by my 20 days).

So not only did I have pretty poor eating habits this week, I also did very poorly on my work out.  I only worked out 2 times.  As easy as it was to do the Jillian Michael's work outs at was equally to come home and sit on the couch.  Especially now that Scott is home every night.  I should have done the at home workouts when he was still in school.  I only worked out twice...TWICE.

So my results show that.  I was down to 142 on Tuesday and today I was back up to 145.2  :(

Week 1:
Weight: 147.6 lbs
BMI- 25.2
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 30.5 inches
Chst: 36.5 inches
Week 4:
Weight: 145.2 lbs
Hips: 38
Waist: 31.5 :(
Chest: 37

Now...I did measure myself a little bit later today than usual (not immediatly after I woke up), so I am not too worried about my measurements.  I actually am having a really hard time keeping my "fat pants" on (the ones I bought when I gained those extra 10 lbs:))

So Jillian is over.  I am on to my next adventure.  ROWING!  i bought this groupon a couple of months ago and it expires before the boot camp one I bought (there are also several more classes available.

I went to my first rowing class today.  Not too shabby, but my hands are already starting to feel very calloused.  I also had a pretty sharp pain in my shoulder about 1/2 way through the class.  But I really liked it. 
They have a few other classes as well (boxing and cross training) so I hope to try out some of the other classes and keep you informed.

Thanks for checking in!

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