Sunday, April 3, 2011

RowFit Week 1

I have a confession to make.  I really really like rowing.  The place where I go for my rowing classes also has a couple of other options for class.  I went to a "cross fit" class on Tuesday where I had to do a sequence of items (dead lifts, ball clings and squats) in a couple of sets 21, 15, 9 in as quick as time as possible.  Most of my rowing classes have a set workout.  So on my first day we rowed did a variety of strokes per minute.  Yesterday in the class we did little races.  So, this was my 3rd day of rowing.  I didn't plan on winning a whole lot of these races....but it's amazing what compitition does to me:)  I lost the first race (the girl next to me was pretty awesome).  I went 548 (or so) meters in 2:30, she went 614- rediculous....So my teacher put us next to someone with closer ability.  The second race I went 558 meters in 2:30.  Not only did I beat myself in the first race, but I beat the person next to me.  In the third race, the girl next to me and I were neck and neck,  The teacher came up behind us with about 20 seconds left and said that it was going to be neck and neck.  I finished with 578 meters in 2:30....the girl next to me....577.  I a METER.
It was amazing.
I do feel like it is a good workout.  I am excited to go back today and the rest of the week this week.
Here are the weigh in results:
Weight: 143.0
BMI: 24.4
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 31 inches
Chest: 36 inches

If anyone knows of any ways I can lose more around my waist, I would be appreciative!!!

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