I worked out 6 days this week! I did it (though admittedly, I only did the bikini body mommy challenge 5 days.. I had Bacon to run to for my 6th/cardio day.
That's right! I said Bacon! You see, there was this marvelous idea that people of all shapes and sizes would get off their butts on a Saturday morning and run for bacon... They were right. I am not sure what wave of starters we were in, but it had to have been at least the third or forth, and when I finished they were sending out another wave.
I felt GREAT running yesterday. 5xs better than the week before. I dressed appropriately (it was another beautiful day in Chicago), I drank about 1 liter of water pre-race, got lots of good sleep the night before (thank you human alarm clock), and all in all just felt good. Another new mom friend ran the race with me and it was great to have someone keeping me company! Oh--- you want to know more about the bacon. First of all, the bibs smelled like bacon. Then at mile 1 there was an aid station with water and... bacon bits... same at mile 2.5ish.
As I said, I felt great running. I looked down at my watch at the 2.5ish mile aid station and my timer said "21 minutes". It was at that point I knew something wasn't right. There is no way I was doing anything less than a 10 minute mile. I kept trucking along but wished I was with Jaime still so I could ask her how long her nike+ app had us tracking. I crossed the finish line at 32:30... 4 minutes faster than last week.
Low and behold, the course was short. It was only about 2.9 miles (not 3.2, which is a legit 5K), but I still paced pretty well (just around an 11 minute mile, and last week my splits were 11:45)
I am pretty happy overall. So we celebrated with some bacon... and then some ribs, as I met some new mom friends and our baby daddies and babies at North Center Rib Fest. We sat in the kid area, we were home by 4pm... this is my new life:)
Anyways, I did good with the workouts this week. I am still not finding them super challenging. As a matter of fact, one day during the cardio one minute on- one minute off, I found myself doing 1.5 minutes on, 30 seconds off on some of the exercises. I will stick with it and give it a few more weeks, but I am already starting to question if I will see the 25 lbs I want off by the end of this 12 weeks. I am currently tracking at about 1.5 lbs a week. I hinted today to the hubs that I might try and see if 2 nights a week after I put the kid to bed I can make it back out to Bikram (see first month of this initial blog to understand how much I LOVED Bikram.)
Anyways, here's the details for this week:
Weight: 162.4
Chest: 34 3/4
WAist: 33 3/4
Tummy: 37
hips: 40 1/4
Uh, I'd totally run for bacon. Just saying.