Sunday, June 29, 2014

So... I over-estimated this thing

Hi guys!  I did a really great job working out this week, I even did a really great job EATING this week (that tends to be my Achilles heel), but I am still not seeing the numbers I am looking for on the scale.  I am still hovering around the 162 mark.  It's so frustrating, but I have decided to take all of your comments to heart and find a different way to track my success.

Luckily, I just got my stitchfix in the mail (don't know what stitchfix it.  It's like your own personal shopper over the internet.  You tell them what you like, your style, your wardrobe needs, etc and they sent you stuff on a pre-determined basis.)  Anyways, I got this super cute black and white striped dress with a side zipper. Ugh, side zippers.  A great way to zip up your boob, in my opinion.  But the dress is sooo cute and it fit (barely), but I figure I need a tightish dress so that I can see how it fits again at the end of this workout.

So, I am changing some of my goals.  I think this will make me feel more successful and less likely to quit when I am feeling like nothing is working.

Goals for this week:
1.  Drink at least 80 oz of water/day. I really think this might be my downfall.  I am not doing great on drinking water and with the heat we are starting to experience, I think I am starting to retain water... not good for anyone.
2.  Diet-  we are doing this great things the last few weeks where we are grilling up a bunch of stuff on Sunday that we can use throughout the week.  Tonight we made turkey and chicken burgers.  I can then eat these as leftovers during the week.  I need to be good in eating them.  Perhaps open faced, making sure I am paying attention to any sides, etc.  Next weekend is going to be tough.  4th of July is Friday and we are having some folks over on Saturday for some grilling/party.  So I just need to pay attention
3.  Same goes for the drinking. No drinks until Friday.
4.  Work out at least 5 days this week (6 is proving to be tough, 5 is obtainable).

And thats it. I will check in and see if I feel more "Accomplished" once I have "SMART"er goals:)

Happy 4th everyone!

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